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Visiting Research Assistant, McGill University, Canada


3-month Mitacs Globalink Internship

(2016/08-2016/11)  PROF.KARYN MOFFATT , McGill University, Canada

Funded by Mitacs Globalink.


40% of the older adult population cannot actively use modern technology in their daily lives due to a physical impairment. Based on Leap Motion, we build up a three-dimensional environment to capture older users' movement behavior inherent to touch interaction.


Given sufficient investigation on 2D target selection activities before, one crucial step is to develop some new measures in 3D environment to assess the performances of older adults. We are now focusing on new specific performance evaluation models and examine the feasibility of using more complex machine-learning algorithms to model multidimentsional in-situ data. Novel stratigeis for extracting quality data from in-situ touch interaction are needed. 


Click to download the Comprehensive Examination. As project moves on, more details would be posted online.

Chip Test Intern Engineer, Chip-sea Technology CO., LTD, Shenzhen, China


3-month Full-time Internship

In Chip-sea Technology CO.,LTD, I am in charge of testing chip samples.


Thanks to my strong professional background of circuits and chips, I earned this valuable chance for an undergraduate to work as an internship in such a big company. After executing design verification of FPGA logic function and semiconductor integrated circuits, I would analyze manufacturing data and define multiple repot sections with measured data and then gave feedback. Sometimes the errors were unexpected and weird, but after brainstormed and thought over and over again, I would finally figure out the reason.

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