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(2016/08-2016/11)  PROF.KARYN MOFFATT , McGill University, Canada

Funded by Mitacs Globalink.


40% of the older adult population cannot actively use modern technology in their daily lives due to a physical impairment. Based on Leap Motion, we build up a three-dimensional environment to capture older users' movement behavior inherent to touch interaction.


Given sufficient investigation on 2D target selection activities before, one crucial step is to develop some new measures in 3D environment to assess the performances of older adults. We are now focusing on new specific performance evaluation models and examine the feasibility of using more complex machine-learning algorithms to model multidimentsional in-situ data. Novel stratigeis for extracting quality data from in-situ touch interaction are needed. 


Click to download the Comprehensive Examination. As project moves on, more details would be posted online.


(2015/04-2016/06)  PROF.DONG MING , Tianjin University, China

Funded by National Innovation Fund


For the stroke, they are phsycially disabled but they are mentally healthy. The recovery process is so painful and sometimes it will make them unwilling to continue.


In order to help them, we try to collect their neural signals in a certain helmet through brain-computer interface. By signal processing, we can analyze their true meanings of the relevant neural electrical signals through some Machine-Learning algorithms. Then we deal with the interaction of  human's nerual signals and the mechanical arm, mainly based on some investigations into motor imagery. 


Click to download the slides, the video, the report.



(2016/03-2016/04)  PROF.ZHENHUI DU, Tianjin University, China


Nowadays, there arises many cases in which the young babies were stolen by some bad guys on purpose, and the poor parents cannot find their children forever because the babies were brought to huge mountains far away. Trying to help others to avoid this situation happening, we developed an adaptive tracking robot, aimed to be installed on the wheels of the pram. It can track the target position and measure the distance, controlling it into an appropriate value.


In this project, we used the simplest but accurate measure: ultrasonic sensor. And we adopted the Bluetooth Communication. To minimize the errors, we revised the algorithm and applied a double sensor algorithm, which was discussed thoroughly in our paper. By 3D printing, we made a car shelf to test the performance of our development. 


Click to see the paper, the video, the requirement analysis.


(2015/01-2015/09)  PROF.FAJIE DUAN , Tianjin University, China

Funded by Hexagon System Co., LTD


As to measurement, with rapid development of 3D technology, it can be detected and measured more precise in 3D space. Hexagon Company focuses on measurement, and thus we can explore novel measure ways in 3D environment, based on their rich experience in classic measurement. 


Here we use an infrared radar to scan the enclosed room with furniture, and by data processing, we successfully build up a 3D database for this room and restored its graphic.


Click here to see the paper, the slides, the pictures.


(2013/10-2014/03)  PROF.FAJIE DUAN , Tianjin University, China

Funded by Hexagon System Co., LTD


For housewives, take my mom as an example, she enjoys keeping flowers. But in my childhood, everyday she needs to go to work in the daytime, picks me up from school, cooks for the whole family and there are still much housework to do at night. So watering flowers everyday and periodically move them from one place to another place to be exposed to sunlight would be a burden for her. 


We designed such an automatic watering flowerpot that can keep 4 different kinds of plants at the same time, in the basin of the flowerpot there is a tiny reservoir that can save water. It can automatically water the certain kind of plant, scientifically and periodically. Besides, it would spin at a certain period so that each plant can get appropriate exposure of sunlight. 


Also, this project won the third prize in the national innvocation contest. (ICAN 2014).Click to see the contest document.


Click to see the video, the commercial proposal, the product manual, the slides and some improvement suggestions.


(2016/03-2016/04)  PROF.TONG GUO, Tianjin University, China


When doing experiments in our lab, we always feel the devices there are not constant and not precise enough. So we used DSP28335 to redesign an accurate digital frequency meter. By investigation into the osicillator period and the crystal frequency, we finally improve its accuracy into 15 digit.


Click to see the four videos, the data collection, the paper, the slides.


(2015/09-2015/12)  PROF.JIAN LI, Tianjin University, China


There is no vending machine in our lab building. Sometimes when we are drown in experiments or coding, we would rather not walk a long way to the canteen to have lunch. So it came up to me that we need a vending machine to help us live healthy and conviniently. 


I used LABVIEW to design this application. Click to see the final report, the pictures.

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